Everyone deserves a home to feel proud of and providing support that fits seamlessly around you, with uniquely rewarding relationships will help to build your confidence and independence along a positive journey when exploring our world. Education, employment and learning is key, accessing these with friends, family, supporters or others makes it fun and enriches lifelong relationships.
Supported living (or supportive living) is a service that helps people to retain their independence whilst still benefiting from support needed to lead completely fulfilled lives in their own homes. Usually, people living in supportive housing have their own tenancy and live in their own home, but still have full control over all their bills, household chores and other responsibilities that are involved with living in their own home. Support is provided separately to maximise their independence and if they have particular wishes or needs, to support them in achieving their goals.
We support people to have maximum choice and control of their lives in the least restrictive way possible. We can help you to plan, cook, shop, decorate, sew, learn to play games or cook meals with as much independence as you need. It may be that support is needed with sourcing employment, filling out forms, accessing media/internet for bills or socialisation safety. We will support you to access your interests and help you enhance friendships, employment opportunities and accessing clubs and community groups or accessing appointments, whatever it is you wish for. We will help you promote your talents and interests. We like accessing community groups and clubs to make the most of your time with us.
The team will have a good understanding of people's diverse needs, preferences, routines and personal journeys. They understand where people come from and what choices and decision making they may make or be seeking support with. Regular meetings with people, families and significant others help the service to improve. We support people to enjoy and participate in activities, interests and hobbies that were important to them. Staff are crafted at creating opportunities so people have positive experiences and reach their ceiling, accessing their dreams and aspirations.